A November edition of some podcasts that I’ve been listening to recently.


Dirty John

An interesting short series that best falls into the ‘true crime’ category. I don’t want to say too much about it but would recommend for people who like anything like “They Walk Among Us” or “Up and Vanished”.

The Sourdough Podcast

I first heard about this podcast when I Maurizio of The Perfect Loaf was on it. I wouldn’t say you learn a tonne from it but it’s pretty interesting for those who are into baking.

Tools They Use

A podcast that interviews people about their daily tech and daily workflows. I’m a sucker for any tech podcasts so this has become another to add to the pile.

West Cork

One of the best true crime podcast series I’ve heard. Sadly only available on Audible, however if you haven’t signed up before, you can get a free trial and cancel it after you’ve heard the podcast.

Planet Money’s The Indicator

A spin off show from my previously listed ‘Planet Money’, this is a podcast served in ~10 minute episodes that have short investigations of different parts of the economy - far more interesting than it sounds.

Up and Vanished

I had Up and Vanished in my first podcast list, however there is a second season available now that focuses on the disappearance of a woman from a hippie cult in Colorado. I don’t think it’s nearly as good as the first season, there’s far more fluff and filler, but it’s interesting nonetheless.